
Why is it important?

Operational excellence in the automotive industry is constantly changing due to new technologies, digitalization and environmental considerations. These changes are intensifying and require ever stronger focus and effort to build and sustain waves of Transformation

Our experience

Lean Coaching has over 20 years experience in implementing Lean /Operational Excellence in major automotive companies globally. From strategic development, capability development, efficiency /quality improvement and manufacturing excellence in the main plants (Assembly, Power Train) and Supplier Interventions /Supplier Development

our results

Nothing makes us happier than when our clients see the results they’ve been wanting. We base our results on your KPIs. 

0 x
- 0 %
on-hand inventory
0 %
in scrap
- 0 %
in WIP
+ 0 %
in productivity
- 0 %

Main workstreams

Based on a Diagnostic of the business challenges and Current State of operations, we develop a tailored Future State with detailed Implementation Plan, measurable objectives (KPIs), typically including some or all of the below Workstreams

Case Studies

Check out case studies from our automotive clients!