"The success of SFM is based on the skill and ability within Lean Coaching who having years of practical application in some of the most progressive lean companies, living it day in, day out, who have now given over to sharing this solid skill and knowledge with the rest of us. This does not just lie on the shop floor but right through the business, coaching the management chain at all levels of the organization.”

Bladimir Malavé
Lean Senior
“Regarding to results, what I can comment on is that they were extremely satisfactory, and it was decided to carry out the implementation for the whole plant.”

Geremias Severino
Production and ExOp Manager
“During this effort Lean Coaching co-developed a concept of implementing visual management and general lean methodology in a customized project execution setup suitable for Grundfos A/S.
The project was delivered on time. Not least thanks to the support by Lean Coaching. Afterwards Lean Coaching participated as subject matter experts in other key projects and the global roll out of the concept as a new standard primarily facilitating the daily coaching of key change agents on three continents. The implementation proved very successful not least thanks to the professional expertise and flexibility to find suitable solutions. Grundfos A/S have benefitted substantially from the effort provided by Lean Coaching.”

William Holt Anderson
Department Head CI & Strategy
“Lean Coaching demonstrated a unique skill above any other consultant group I’ve ever been exposed to. From day one of the Lighthouse project we were taught to be self supportive with a new vocabulary, a new way of thinking and a new approach to continuous improvement. Lean Coaching helped us construct a Lean Management foundation and this foundation is absolutely essential to effectively leverage any Lean Manufacturing tool. The success of any organization such as Lean Coaching should be measured AFTER you leave the client on their own to carry forward with the knowledge and tools they acquired. Lean Coaching scores an A+!”

Mike McCurry
Plant Manager
“Within these few years, all-encompassing improvement activities were carried out in laminating area, het treatment, insulated glass assembly, cutting etc., which included 5S, standardized work, process re-balancing, training operators, brigadiers, group leaders and production managers in planning their daily activities as per their minimal job role.
Currently we have a self-training team capable of monitoring the process status, prioritizing, detecting and solving top problems, as well as developing people of their own department / area. A continuous improvement culture is cascaded top down, all the way to the level of operators, and is gradually becoming an integral part of life in the whole company”.

Michael Dedovich
General Director
“The change included an organizational retrofit in both competences and mind-set. Throughout the entire period we have been successfully assisted from Lean Coaching. The results have been remarkable. Not only have we made the entire technical retrofit including ramp-up but we have also changed the mind-set of all production employees seamlessly through the process. Through relentless focus on lean thinking we have started a journey towards a production army of scientists that can sustain our improvements.”

Michael Møllmann
"On behalf of Farmak JSC and on my own behalf, I want to thank Lean Coaching team for successful collaboration in 2020-2021 and express my confidence in even larger achievements towards building Lean culture and implementing advanced TPM practices in 2022. When launching Shopfloor Excellence program, we relied on staff coaching, and during the project we were more than once convinced of the professionalism, high technical and leadership expertise of Lean Coaching consultants, as well as their ability to creatively approach the most challenging tasks."

Pavel Pavlyk
“Over 2 years of cooperation Lean Coaching consultants have established themselves as high-level experts, capable of solving complex tasks for a limited time in large-scale projects, coordinating processes with the participation of large project teams, including 60 (change agents) and with more than 600 people in production aria. The project’s goal of reducing costs was achieved, staff involvement was
increased, and over 75% of employees were trained in Lean tools. These results allow us to recommend “Lean Coaching” with confidence”.

Sergey Sergienko
Director of Business System
"LC has been able to execute change in many different and difficult sectors of the business, and in both senior and shop floor situations. Their positive enthusiasm allied to their drive and passion makes them a world class agents of change. They are able to listen actively and assimilate information before driving through to deliver results. They build up relationships extremely quick and people trust them almost by default."

Ilona Takács
Lean Manager
“Good progress has already been made and considerable further improvement potential has been identified. The knowledge and skill of Lean Coaching in this field is remarkable, their customer focus, commitment and result orientation is second to none. Without the focused support of Lean Coaching I am certain that we would not have been able to achieve our implementation and successful results in such a short time frame.”

Thomas H. Ahrens
Executive Vice President Operations
“Today we see significant impact in all our business areas and we are right now harvesting the benefits from our intense and focused efforts guided by Lean Coaching. All improvements we see today are fundamentally linked to a change in our thinking and acting way as leaders. Our new way of managing is built on the lean philosophy which Lean Coaching enlightened us and coached us in embracing. Our thinking way resonates throughout the organization through our continuous improvement mind-set and shop floor involvement.
I am very pleased with our collaboration and we as an organization wouldn’t have been able to do achieve what we achieve today if it wasn’t for the support and guidance we have received throughout our journey together with Lean Coaching.”

Chad Henry
“Overall, the project objectives were well managed and it was pleasing to see both the effects upon the KPI’s and also the Leadership behaviours in the Plants. The shared ownership of each Plants targets between LEGO and LC worried well with an excellent overall result of 95% for the project KPI s. I am pleased with both the results and process provided by LC and I am sure this will help inspire us in our future lean activities. Please do not hesitate to contact me for detailed feedback or further recommendation.”

Jon Eagle
“I feel the keys to our success was ensuring the approach was consistent and effective and our decision to use SFM with a base of PPS and especially our support coming from Lean Coaching. They use professional & skilled coaches who come from a background where they not only have the theory but practical knowledge of application to support and coach the concept and introduction, building it into our daily culture. The visualization of our condition through KPI and the structured meeting agenda to discuss the concerns through plant, segment and team meetings ensured everyone was involved. This that using the problem solving enabled use to systematically resolve issues that were affecting the business ability to function. I am confident that the LC coach was invaluable in achieving this through
their drive, leadership and direction not only project based but interpersonal management of issues and people.”

Heinz Mäder
Plant Manager
“Lean Coaching has been key to developing our lean Journey at Detroit, Transforming Performance in our Production areas.”

Dale Brennan
TOS Manager
“During our partnership I have been particularly pleased about the energy that Lean Coaching helped me infuse into the organization in order to change the mind-set and make people believe that targets can be met in a very challenging environment. The coaches were a real catalyst for making that happen. Because of this, other departments have since copied some of the same principles and tools to drive improvements.”

Kasper Bodker Mejlvang
VP Aseptic Production, France
"During our cooperation, Lean Coaching consultants have established themselves as high-level professionals who are able to cope with problems from any production area, solve complex problems, support the development of large project teams of more than 2500 people in production departments.
The achieved results allow us to confidently recommend Lean Coaching as reliable partners in the implementation of projects to improve operational efficiency and transform the company's production culture using coaching and lean manufacturing methods."

Director of Transformation
Sergiy Gotvansky
“The program had a very good effectiveness, once new projects were naturally defined by the area leaders and experts’ team have been able to support a sustainable operational improvement.”

Alexandre Carmanhani
Plant Manager
“Our journey together with Lean Coaching has in many ways been a radical paradigm shift and a new way of managing our operation. All improvements we see today is fundamentally linked to a change in our thinking and acting way as leaders. Our new way of managing is built on the lean philosophy which Lean Coaching is embracing.
I am very pleased with our collaboration and we as an organization wouldn’t have been able to do achieve what we achieve today if it wasn’t for the support and guidance we have received throughout our journey together with Lean Coaching.”

Preben Haaning
“In terms of return-on-investment, our engagement with Lean Coaching has paid for itself several times over in less than one year and is clearly one of the best investments we could have made.”

Sid Harvey
“Some years ago my team and I worked successfully in a project with Lean Coaching in a production environment. Two years later this success was even acknowledged with an award by a leading business magazine. After taking the management responsibility of a highly service oriented operation with 1200 employees my team and I have adopted lean principles from our experience in production. After the intense daily work with LEAN COACHING we have been able to convince our staff of the advantages of these principles which led to a change in our culture in various ways.”

Martin Rentschler
Head of Production Support and Operational Services
“Having been involved in Lean activities as part of the Siemens Production System (SPS) team here in Zug we felt the need to have a more coordinated level of activities based on building a successful company and decided to implement SFM.
Their use of real Toyota based knowledge (using ex managers with extensive knowledge of the Toyota Production System) is invaluable both because they know the system and also because they have lived and breathed it.
The success of SFM in our Factory is based on the Lean Coaching approach, which allowed us to get the necessary mindset of our Senior Management. Furthermore by coaching-the-coach we established a system that made sure, to get the right thinking through the whole hierarchy within our organization.”

Florian Schmitt
Lean Senior & Factory Excellence Manager
“Lean Coaching has helped us grasp the concept of understanding, or defining, the “standard” before effective problem solving or improvement can happen. With their guidance, we have evolved to applying PDCA thinking in problem solving, developing robust processes, focusing on confirmation by management, and coaching employees for development and engagement. I believe the true benefit of our working with Lean Coaching has been lighting the fuse on our continuous improvement culture, the ultimate benefit of which has yet to be seen.”

Paul Erdy
Plant Manager
“With the initiative coming from the plant and not from the Corp. organisation, the SFM project was used as a catalyst to provoke major changes & started from a very favourable position with dedicated people who wanted to drive the company forward.
Major benefits came not just from KPI improvement but also the interdisciplinary team work on improvement projects, we learnt not to wait for a crisis in order to work together & by implementing lean activities, the results follow automatically.
I’m convinced about the LeanCoaching approach, they used very professional & skilled coaches to support us on our journey, not only bringing sound lean knowledge and experience, but also real social & personal competencies, showing clear, strong leadership in our project. This was a winning factor in our project as the people trusted the direction & wanted to follow.”

Charles Runge
Senior Vice President
“On a LEAN journey you have some steps from the beginning. To find a partner like LeanCoaching was a key element for our success. To see the huge difference between consulting and coaching is so easy with this partner that we can say that it was a chance for all of our Directors & Managers to be supported on shop floor.
The huge strength of this team is to provide natural, advice and expertise on how to improve performance based on their many years of operational experience and best practices. Their ability to share their “concrete” knowledge by a strong and personal involvement with our people was demonstrated through significant productivity improvements in a short term (KPI’s –OPR & FTT).
The success of our future will be ensured not only by tools and techniques that were directly applicable and delivered sustainable improvements, but also through the new thinking and mind-set on continuous improvement.”

Eric Fromentel
Director, Global Lean Coordinator