

Lean Coaching has over 20 years experience implementing Lean/Operational Excellence in major automotive companies globally. From strategic development, capability development, efficiency/quality improvement and manufacturing excellence in the main plants (Assembly, Power Train) and its supply chain. We have teams located globally including an office in Detroit, Michigan.


Over 20 years we have worked with the biggest names in the aviation industry (Civil and Defence). We have been engaged in the product development, launch and optimisation of production, supply chain and servicing all over the world.


Lean Coaching has been working alongside major companies in the FMCG sector for over 15 years, mentoring them to sustainable results. Our scope of projects range from increasing Productivity to setting up TPM systems all the way up to doing green-field collaborations and implementing business systems from the start of a site.

Metals & mining

For 10 years we have been working with McKinsey as a global partner in building Operational Transformation programs, in Metals and Mining, covering Extraction, Processing to Production of End-Product, for the industry leaders in the US, Europe, Russia and Ukraine.


We have over 20 years of experience in the Pharmaceutical, Devices and Biotech industries building business/production systems, product launch, GMP optimised production and drastically reducing Non-Compliances for global organisations. We also collaborate with NSF, an International provider of Interventions, QP Training and trial Audit services. The joint approach we call ‘Lean GxP where Clients benefit from a mixture of deep industry experience with Lean and Coaching approaches.