Why is it important?

The aviation industry has specific features associated with the highest requirements for the technical reliability of transportation safety. The high degree of product adaptation to the needs of individual customers creates the highest competition among aircraft and component manufacturers in the speed of developing a new product and introducing it into production.

Our experience

Lean Coaching has over 18 years of experience in strategic development, operational excellence, supplier management, including engineering, production suppliers and service enterprises of the aviation industry globally


We have consistenly managed a positive ROI on our Transformation (12+ months) projects, whilst embedding the processes and skills to ensure Sustainability and continued improvements.
We base our joint targets on your success criteria

+ 0 %
in productivity
- 0 %
time to market
- 0 %
in WIP
- 0 %
in lead time
+ 0 %
+ 0 %
employee engagement in problem solving

Main workstreams

Based on a Diagnostic of the business challenges and Current State of operations, we develop a tailored Future State with detailed Implementation Plan, measurable objectives (KPIs), typically including some or all of the below Workstreams

Case Studies

Check out case studies from our aviation clients!