FMCG Brewing Business
Safety Culture Development
Safety culture development for one of the largest brewing businesses world-wide.
– The brewery had 3 accidents in the course of 1.5 years
– Safety and health department reported low number of near-misses while incidents continued to happen
– The latest safety compliance audit revealed high number of risks ranked red and yellow
– Behavioral based safety, life saving rules, safety weeks and other campaigns did not bring significant improvements trends
- HPO (high performance organization) diamond coaching at the levels of managers and supervisors
- Contractor management: expert and behavioural coaching
- Shopfloor management with focus on safety and links between SQDCM
- GEMBA walks
- Safety pyramid communication and coaching of line personnel
- Benchmark poka-yoke and idea implementation
- Developed Safety mission, vision and an engagement strategy for the brewery in alignment with the Market
- Zero accidents during the year of the project and four years after
- x4 times more reported near misses to reflect the actual situation
- 100% of contractors involved in behavior based safety (BBS) dialogues
- Reduction of minor incidents by 50%
- Elimination of risks ranked red (across the factory), reduction of risks ranked yellow by 30% via low investment improvements