LC Founder Gert Haar-Jorgensen visits our client in Ukraine and shares his impression on Farmak Lean System
On Thursday 17th August, 2023, I had the opportunity to, not only visit Ukraine for the first time, but also deliver on a long-standing promise to the Farmak Lean Production System Development Team, to come and personally see the progress made, since our start in December 2020.
The visit started with the invitation from Tatiana Cherevychna to participate in the Production Visual Management Centers daily meeting in Shop 3, 8:45 am, precisely! The information on the boards were clear, even for a non-Ukrainian speaker. I could clearly see the SQDC structure, KPI’s including targets and Actions, current and completed. This was very impressive, with a very high standard of visualization and disciplined process, a great example of effective communications!
After Production, we saw a similar standardized Visual Center daily meeting in the Technical and Engineering Department, thanks to Sergiy Grabov and his team. Exemplary visualization, and clear start of TPM process.
We went to Quality Control in preparation for a Lean/TPM diagnostics planned from September – thanks Evgen, Irina, Miki and Yaroslavl – look forward to working with you!
Finally, another objective of my visit, to finally meet with Volodymyr Kostiuk in person (instead of e-meets). Anna and Andriy, with our lead consultant, Sergiy Bulat, have worked hard with impressive results in the Supply Chain/Warehouse project and it was invaluable getting Volodymyr’s feedback and support on the issues still facing them.
It is clearly promising for the expansion and future success of the Lean/TPM/OpEx initiatives, started nearly 3 years ago, when the CEO is so passionately supporting.
I look forward to my next visit, to follow heroic efforts and impressive results of all the Farmak Team!
For more impressions, check out the article by Farmak.